Sunday 7 June 2015

A Day in London

Pretty Vermin - Grey Squirrel
We had a day off today to recover, rest or explore. I chose....explore. It was time to head into the big city of London. It was a beautiful day, sunny but breezy and a little cool because of it. Sadly it was saturday and saturday meant crowds.

I started at Leicester Square which strangely had changed a wee bit over the last twenty years. I had a long stroll; Trafalgar complete with Nelson's column which seemed somehow much taller than I remembered. To Picadilly Circus and then to Green Park and onto Hyde Park where there was a few birds to view. Then my camera run out and by then I was tired and probably over side stepping crowds and being a tourist so I went, indirectly back to the hotel to rest up for....Scotland!
Green Park
Great Crested Grebe in Hyde Park

Red Admiral in Hyde Park
Verticle Garden near Green Park

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